Backend Dev, C C++

Experienced in low level programming and software development such as GameEngine and generative software etc (Lindenmayer - System).

Advanced memory management using data structures for vertex management in graphics optimization.

Frontend Dev, JS HTML CSS

Passionate on User Experience and interaction, adept in DevOps by expanding my experience in both Front/Backend Development.

Game Dev, Unity GameMaker

Experienced as an game Programmer and Designer, able to Design and implement game features and functionality.

Create and maintain game systems such as AI interactions, player actions and world Eco-System.

  • GAME


Projects I have worked on in the past. Most of them are works done while persuing my education as an computer science student.


Boxto was the first major game project done collaborating with 2 extra member using low level language C during my freshman year in University. Its my first contact with low level programming language as most games are developed in game engines.

The game was implemented with the idea of maximizing code efficiency with good polishing to give an completness for the whole game since we have a lack of artist and designer and the main focus for this project was to expose us to C langauge itself.

Jonah's AfterLife

Jonah's was the second major game project done during my freshman year in University. Its created using C++ engine and scripted using C++ language with a team of 5 members.

The game was implemented as an infinite jumper with the implementation of basic memory management in C++ environment.


Doug was the 3rd major project that includes DevOps in an learning environment to develop both the engine and the game with team from different major. The major learning point from this project was collaboration as it plays a big part, especially the need understand the difficulties and requirement the developers has.

The game was implemented as an wave based shooter that focus on player mechanic and the theme associated with to create an immersive rogue lite gameplay.



Projects I have worked on in the past. These projects help me gain experience in low level language, allowing me to understand how useful is memory and their ability to enhance performance and functionality.


  • image one
  • image two
  • image three

Picasso Engine was the first major DevOps project made using C++ language foundation, Imgui for user interface, Lua for scripting and OpenGL API for graphics. The project was create with the focus on efficiency and user experience. Batch rendering and custom memory management was implemented for better performance.

The game DOUG was created throughout the development of this engine.




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Hi, I am a computer science student persuing software Development. Mosty of the time I am working on backend development using C, C++ focusing on data structure and algorithm efficiency.

However, as an design hobbyst I always love exploring creative algorithm and one of my project is what you will see here."